The world can be a scary place and without safe-brave spaces that support children, the damage can be hard to reverse. I belive schools can be those places and educators can be those people.
As an educational specialist & consultant, I have supported school leaders, leadership teams, and educators in organizational development and systems improvement. Including developing and implementing intervention systems for Tier 1 & 2 attendance, academic, and behavioral concerns; supporting ELL and Special Education staff in understanding special education documentation, implementing recommendations, and employing systematic monitoring of student progress on individualized goals.
Since 2010 I have been creating and implementing professional learning opportunities that are designed to fill the gaps created in teacher training programs. I have served more than 750 educators in urban and suburban districts. Professional growth experiences focus on the development of educational spaces, instructional design and intervention that is culturally competent, identify affirming, and rooted in trauma-responsive and anti-racist practices.
As a wellness consultant, I host workshops and small group experiences that center on emotional health. Using personal exploration, hands-on activities, critical mentoring, and 1-to-1 empowerment evaluations, I fill the gap created by schools and medical providers by promoting mental health literacy and supporting girls and women as they build a self-care regimen.
Professional growth and organizational learning often ignore the affective experiences of working in schools and communities. My work centers on the affective experiences of staff, fosters collaboration. and community building. SHIFT sessions promote emotional objectivity & trauma responsive, restorative engagement with students and clien
Professional growth and organizational learning often ignore the affective experiences of working in schools and communities. My work centers on the affective experiences of staff, fosters collaboration. and community building. SHIFT sessions promote emotional objectivity & trauma responsive, restorative engagement with students and clients in a way that maintains dignity and honors their humanity.
My goal is to support schools, communities, and organizations as they stretch beyond performative social justice, to become locations for liberation and healing; safe spaces for children to grow and learn.
My most recent article, "Black Girl Politics," and national conference presentations have centered on the impact of trauma on teaching and learning, social justice, racial equity, inclusion, and the lived experiences of Black girls in schools and communities.
She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Special Education from West Chester University of Pennsylvania and master’s and Educational Specialist degree in School Psychology from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. She earned her Ed.D. in School Systems Leadership at Widener University in Chester, Pennsylvania.
Twenty+ years of school-based experience in urban and suburban settings and expertise in social-emotional learning and restorative practices. Ten years creating and leading professional development addressing the affective and learning needs of students, staff, and communities. Expertise in instruction and intervention, program development and evaluation, and project management. National conference presenter and speaker who centers social justice, equity, and inclusiveness in all spaces.
A scholar-activist, and professional growth facilitator. Her most contributions to Ms. Magazine and national conference presentations have centered the impact of trauma on teaching and learning, social justice, creating safe-brave spaces for challenging racial inequity, and the experience of Black girls in schools and communities.
In December 2016 she founded we REIGN Inc., a non-profit organization whose mission is to ensure Black girls have the skills and knowledge needed to become advocates, activists, and organizers around issues that impact their lives. Her organization has served more than 300 girls since 2016. In 2018 she organized and hosted a Trauma Conference for Philadelphia educators. In 2019 she hosted a Black Girl Convening for Black girls who live and attend school In Philadelphia. Recently she served as a panelist for the North Star Convention symposium, discussing issues that impact the lives of Black girls.
Her professional growth sessions have been attended by more than 500 teachers. Dr. Jones Morrison creates SHIFT, supporting school and community organizations in going beyond performative social justice and trauma informed practice, to become locations for healing, growing. and learning.
Let's set up a time to talk about how to bring SHIFT to your organization, school, or community.